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BD Bacata Could Be il primo grattacielo Crowdfunded mondo!


We’ve seen Kickstarter do some pretty amazing things, from funding small local projects to promoting giant international initiatives. Things are about to get even bigger with the BD Bacata building in Columbia, the world’s first Kickstarter-funded skyscraper. Yes, you read that correctly. Read More.

Fidi Global , a group known for using Kickstarter to develop clubs, hotels, and even a mall, has used the online fund-collecting site to build a 66-story skyscraper in Columbia. Through its giant advertising campaign via billboards, radio, and television throughout the country, the firm has already brought in more than 3,000 donations totaling $145 million, reports Atlantic Cities . Each person who donated will receive a share in the building.

The BD Bacata will embody many firsts for Columbia. It will not only be the country’s tallest building, but it will also be a symbol of urban renewal put in the hands of the Columbian people. Fidi even believes that after the building is completed in 2014, the next logical step is a crowdfunded city!

[via Atlantic Cities ]

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